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Introduction Gabled circuits express the function to be computed as an “encrypted” boolean circuit, e.g. with ANDs, ORs, XORs, etc Garbled circuits are more efficient than for 2-party joint proces...

MPC (Multi-party Computation) Definition Given \(n\) parties, design a protocol which computes a public function \(f\) over inputs from each party such that the inputs remain private unless they wo...

Definition Neighboring dataset For any dataset \(D,D^{\prime}\in\mathcal{D}\), \(D,D^{\prime}\) are neighboring datasets if and only if one of the following two statements is true: \(\exists x\in ...

Introduction Query-based systems aim at giving researchers and organizations anonymous access to the data without sharing with them the individual-level data This can be through online interfaces,...

Pseudonymization To remove all direct identifiers, e.g. name, phone number, address, social security number etc, and just give each person a unique id that cannot be linked to them: Lookup table ...