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This is an outline of emerging technology in distributed ledgers. If you want to know more about one topic, please refer to associated article.

Lecture 1


  • Cryptographic Hash Functions: Properties

  • Merkle Trees

  • Elliptic Curve Signature Algorithm (ECDSA): Nothing in Bitcoin is encrypted


  • BTC Address conversion


  • UTXO (Unspent transaction output): In cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, an unspent transaction output (UTXO) is an abstraction of electronic money. Each UTXO is analogous to a coin, and holds a certain amount of value in its respective currency. Each UTXO represents a chain of ownership implemented as a chain of digital signatures where the owner signs a message (transaction) transferring ownership of their UTXO to the receiver's public key.

  • Coinbase Transaction: First transaction in a Block, defined by the miner. No inputs required.



  • Latter UTXO: <Sig> <PubKey>

  • If evals to true \(\rightarrow\) Bitcoin transaction is valid

  • Execution time is critical to prevent DoS attacks

  • Transaction types: P2PKH; P2SH; Multisignature (m from n)


Chain of Blocks

  • Header: Block version; Hash of previous block's header; Merkle root; Unix time; Target; Nonce

Lightweight Clients

  • SPV Transaction verification: Blockchain with headers only

Lecture 2

Proof of Work

  • Find Nonce \(N\), s.t. Hash(Hash(\(B_{\rm former}\))|merkle root|\(N\)) \(<\) target

  • Pool: Give proportional reward (pool's difficulty < Bitcoin's difficulty)

Merged Mining

  • Assembles a transaction set for both block chains

  • Hash the final namecoin block

  • Creates a transaction containing this hash and inserts it in the Bitcoin transaction set at the tip of the tree (scriptSig)

  • Assembles the final Bitcoin header with this transaction in it and sends out the work units

Mining Pool Dangers

  • Influence which transactions enter the blockchain

  • Inflate transaction fees/Ethereum gas price

  • Collude with each other (to reach 51%, selfish mining)

  • Network layer attacks

  • Political and Regulatory danger

  • Pool operators are trusted to pay out reward

  • Influence voting mechanisms (cf. SegWit)

Decentralised Mining

  • Each block of the share chain is a share

  • Each share chain block has a lower difficulty than the bitcoin block chain

  • Once a share satisfies the same difficulty as Bitcoin, it's a valid Bitcoin block

  • Coinbase transaction is used for reward and tracking of share chain


  • \(\mathcal{P}\): protocol; \(\mathcal{V}\): Validity set; \(\mathcal{N}\): difference between \(\mathcal{V}\) and \(\mathcal{V}^{\prime}\)

  • Hard fork: Previously invalid blocks/transactions are make valid (and vice-versa)

  • Soft fork: Only previously valid blocks/transactions are made invalid \(\rightarrow\) reducing functionality

  • Segregated Witness

  • Vote through blocks

Proof of Stakes/Authority

Lecture 3

Bitcoin and Smart Contracts

  • Bitcoin Script: No support for loops

  • Bitcoin Script Applications: Proof of Burn; Multisignature addresses; Pay-for-hash pre-image; Micropayment channels


Introduction to Ethereum

  • Account Based model: No need to go through whole history; Sequence between any two blocks can be verified; Light clients can sync up quickly

Ethereum Blockchain Structure

  • Ethereum Blockchain Structure

  • Ethereum Merkle Patricia Tree

Ethereum Accounts and Transactions

  • Types of transactions: send; create; call

Ethereum Virtual Machine

  • Stack of max depth of 1024

  • Memory is zero initialized

  • Storage is very expensive (The cost of storing 1 kb is currently 6.4 USD)

Ethereum Transaction Fees

  • Each opcode of the EVM has a certain gas cost

  • Maximum GAS_LIMIT per block

  • If GAS_LIMIT \(\times\) GAS_PRICE > accounts[from].balance, halt execution abruptly

    • accounts[from].balance -= value + gas \(\times\) gasprice

    • accounts[to].balance += value

    • execute(code)

    • accounts[from] += unusedGas \(\times\) gasprice

  • If remaining GAS is 0 before termination, throw out-of-gas, and pay miners


Lecture 4

Classical Consensus

  • In a fully asynchronous system, there is no deterministic consensus solution that tolerates one or more failures

  • No algorithm can always reach consensus in bounded time

Blockchain Bootstrapping

  • Bootstrap Methods: DNS (Domain Name System) Bootstrap; Hardcoded IPs; Chat/Forums (dangerous)

  • Bitcoin Node: TCP based, no authentication/encryption

Network Denial of Service Protection

  • DoS Protection Mechanism: Sanity checks (size, encoding); Signature validation; UTXO/double spending validation

  • DoS Protection Mechanism is a weakness (directly ban IP)

Network Gossip Protocol

  • Standard Transaction/Block advertisement: Hash (36 bytes); Get request; Block

  • Send Headers Block advertisement: Header (80 bytes); Get request; Block

  • Unsolicited Block Push: Block

  • Bitcoin Fibre: Block sketch; Construct; Correct error; Emit (UDP based)

Network Security - Eclipse Attacks

  • Request timeouts: block: 20 min; transaction: 2 min

  • Blind victim > 20 min: Double spending; Aggravated selfish mining; Network wide DoS

  • Being first: connections of adversary:victim \(=800:40\), approximately 90%

  • Transactions follow FIFO while Blocks don't

Eclipse Attacks - Delaying Blocks

  • Occupy all open connections: not receive block header and version message

  • Different blocks timeout are independent

Eclipse Attacks - Double Spending

  • Double Spending 0 Confirmation Transactions: Very reliable attack

  • Double Spending 1 Confirmation Transactions: Collude with miners

Eclipse Attacks - Denial of Service

  • 6000 reachable Bitcoin nodes

  • 450,000 TCP connections required

Eclipse Attacks - Hardening the P2P Layer

  • Dynamic timeouts

  • Handling Transaction Advertisements: filter IP; randomly choose sender

  • Updating Block Advertisements: broadcast header instead of hash (so that PoW can be verified)

  • After 5 minutes, transaction is received, even if the adversary controls 95% of the inv

Selfish Mining and Eclipse Attacks

  • Instead of publishing, keep a block private

  • Other miners will perform wasteful computations

  • Combine with denying block \(\rightarrow\) higher pool revenue

Lecture 5

Blockchain Security

  • Multi-layer: Hardware; Network; Blockchain; Programming Language; Application

Smart Contract Security

  • Reentrancy: redefine payable() to call the withdraw repeatedly

  • Unprivileged write to storage: user may change the wallet's owner

  • Automated Security Analysis: Testing | Dynamic analysis; Symbolic execution | Static analysis; Formal verification

Smart Contract Bug

  • Any variable is readable on the public Ethereum blockchain. Declaring a variable private only restricts the automatic creation of getter for that variable, but does not hide it

  • Balance should be changed before a transfer is made (to prevent reentrancy attack)

Decentralized Autonomous Organization

Comparing Quantitatively Layer 1 Security

  • Faster block generation \(\rightarrow\) Faster payments (less security)

  • Bigger block size \(\rightarrow\) More throughput/Slower propagation (less security)

Modeling a Blockchain in an MDP

Quantifying Security with an MDP

  • Double-Spending Threshold: transaction value, below which the optimal strategy is honest mining, above which the optimal strategy is double-spending attack

Selfish Mining and the Stale Block Rate

  • The higher the stale block rate the higher the relative revenue of selfish mining

  • Selfish Mining yields fewer block rewards than honest mining under constant difficulty

Blockchain Network Simulator

  • 1 MB blocks, 1 min Block interval \(\rightarrow\) No stale block rate increase

  • Drawbacks: TCP protocol (no congestion)


  • The key block miner is the one mining the microblocks

  • 60% \(\rightarrow\) latter, 40% \(\rightarrow\) former

Lecture 6

Blockchain Scaling

  • Off Chain Transaction: Transaction outside the blockchain, secured by the blockchain

  • No consensus latency or mining fees, while still achieving non-custodial security

  • Backward compatibility

Channel Networks

Channel Networks State Replacement

  • Time Lock State Replacement: T=100,99,98,\(\cdots\), expiry

  • Revocation State Replacement: Agree on last state, keep all previous revoked states

  • State Replacement Techniques (2016+): State change, everyone signs

Channel Networks HTLC

  • Humble Conditional Transfer

  • Path-based Payments (HTLC): synchronise a payment among peers on the path

  • Path-based virtual Payment Channels (Perun): set up a virtual channel to avoid intermediary peers to be responsive

Channel Networks Routing

  • Routing Properties: scalable; effective; efficient

  • Routing Approaches: Source-routing; Per-hop routing

  • Privacy: Value-Privacy; Transfer-Privacy

Channel Networks Summary

Channel Networks Trusted Execution Environments

  • TEEs: Efficient and fast payments among peers

  • Privacy: Intermediary nodes are not visible outside the enclave

  • Offline Payments: Peers can remain offline!

  • Examples: Teechan, Teechain

Payment Channel Hubs

  • Payment Channel Hubs are great for instant finality and no trust. But expensive to run.


  • Off the chain transactions: Like on-chain transactions!

  • Constant-size checkpoint

  • Without Collateral: Eventual Finality

  • With Collateral: Instant Finality!

  • Join without on-chain Transaction

  • but a centralized Operator!

Commit-Chains Plasma Cash

  • Non-Fungible Coins

  • Merkle Tree: Every leaf is a coin

Commit-Chains NOCUST

  • Deposit a coin: Balance credit in a Merkle Tree

  • ZKP: User can directly challenge through Smart Contract

Commit-Chains NOCUST Security

  • NOCUST server disappears: on-chain transactions are safe; use insurance pool to recover off-chain transactions

  • Users to attempt double-spending: central operator will reject

  • NOCUST server colludes with client to attempt double-spending (create or steal): Operator is challenged!

Commit-Chains Summary

Lecture 7

Blockchain Privacy

  • Blockchain Privacy is a Multilayer Challenge

Blockchain Privacy Ethical Concerns

Blockchain Privacy Network Layer

  • Peer to Peer Network: Validating nodes / Lightweight clients / Miner

  • Network Privacy Leakages: IP; Client version; Port scan

Blockchain Privacy Transaction Layer

  • Change Address:If new, then likely a change address

  • Multi-input Transactions: All inputs can be signed by the same entity

Blockchain Privacy Native Privacy Blockchain

  • ZCash: Transparent Transactions/Shielded Transactions

  • Monero; CoinJoin: Stealth Addresses

Blockchain Privacy Stealth Addresses

  • Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Wallets: Addresses derived from the same key; From one address cannot derive the other addresses

  • Adversary can't see where this transaction is paid to, but port scanner can

  • Dark wallet

Blockchain Privacy Ring Signatures

Blockchain Privacy Add-on/Mixer Privacy

  • Coinjoin

  • Tornado Cash/Miximus/MicroMix

Blockchain Privacy Lightweight Clients

  • Private Information Retrieval

  • Bloom Filter

  • TEEs

Blockchain Privacy Bloom Filter & SPV

  • Stair stepping: actual FPR \(\leq\) target FPR

  • Resizing/Restarting: different FP \(\rightarrow\) intersection

  • Multiple Bloom filters

    • Same seed; Same size: no change

    • Same seed; Resize: improves the attack

    • Restart; Same Size: improves the attack

    • Restart; Resize: totally leaks

  • Solution

    • Pre-generate Bitcoin addresses and insert into filter

    • Keep state about outsourced Bloom filter