Multi Armed Bandit
- \(t=1,2,\cdots,N\)
- \(k\) arm
- at \(t\), choose arm \(i\), receive reward \(X_{i,t}\sim{}D_i\)(iid unknown distribution)
- Policy: \(\pi=\{i(t),t=1,2,\cdots,N\}\)
- Goal: \(\max\mathbb{E}\{\sum_{t=1}^NX_{i,t}\}\)
- \({\rm OPT}=N\max_i\mu_i=N\mu,\mu_i=\mathbb{E}\{X_{i,t}\}\)
- \({\rm Reg}={\rm OPT}-\mathbb{E}\{\sum_{t=1}^NX_{i,t}|\pi\}\)
- Initialize: play machine arm once
- Loop: play machine \[i=\arg\max\bar{x}_j+\sqrt{\frac{2\ln{}n}{n_j}}\]
where \(\bar{x}_j={\rm avg}\) reward of arm \(j\), \(n_j=*\) of times \(j\) is played so far
For all \(k>1\), if UCB runs on \(k\) arms with distributions \(P_1,P_2,\cdots,P_k\) with support \([0,1]\), then the expected regrest after any \(n\) is at most:
where \(\Delta_i=\mu-\mu_i\)
Define \[C_{t,s}=\sqrt{\frac{2\ln{}t}{s}}\]
After some calculation, we found that
Also, it's true that
holds if at least one of following holds
However, the first two probability can be bound by Chernoff bound and
the last one is impossible (probability \(=
\[{\rm Pr}\{\bar{x_s}^\star\leq\mu-C_{t,s}\}\leq{}e^{-4\ln{}t},{\rm Pr}\{\bar{x_{i,s_i}}\geq\mu_i+C_{t,s}\}\leq{}e^{-4\ln{}t}\]
Finally, choose
\(\varepsilon\)-greedy ALG
- Parameter: \(c>0,0<d<1\)
- Initialize: Define \[\varepsilon_n=\min\{1,\frac{ck}{d^2n}\}\]
- Loop: \(\forall{}n=1,2,\cdots\), let \(i_n=\arg\max_j\bar{x}_{j,n}\). Play \(i_n\) with probability \(1-\varepsilon_n\) and random with probability \(\varepsilon_n\)
For all \(k>1\), if \(\varepsilon\)-greedy runs on \(k\) arms with distributions \(P_1,P_2,\cdots,P_k\) with support \([0,1]\) and \(0<d<\min_{i,\mu_i<\mu}\Delta_i\). Then, the probability that after \(n\geq{}ck/d\) plays, \(\varepsilon\)-greedy choose a sub-opt \(j\) is at most \[\mathcal{O}(\frac{c}{d^2n}+o(\frac{1}{n}))\] for \(n\rightarrow\infty\) and \(c>5\).
Lower Bound
Consider two \(\Theta\) values,
i.e., \(\Theta=(\theta_1,\theta_2,\cdots,\theta_k)\)
with \(\mu_1>\mu_2\geq\dots\geq\mu_k\); \(\Theta^{\prime}=(\theta_1,\theta_2^\prime,\cdots,\theta_k)\)
with \(\mu_2^{\prime}>\mu_1\geq\dots\geq\mu_k\).
Here we want to prove that it costs about \(\ln{}n\) time to tell the difference
between this two.
For a strategy - \(x_{j,s}\): reward for \(j\) at \(s\)-th slot - \(\mathbb{P}\): joint distribution over \(\{I_t,x_{j,s}\}\) under \(\Theta\) - \(\mathbb{P}^{\prime}\): joint distribution
over \(\{I_t,x_{j,s}\}\) under \(\Theta^\prime\)
Consider \(A\subset\{T_2(n)=n_2\}\)
\[\mathbb{P}(A)=\int_A\prod_{s=1}^{n_2}\frac{d\mathbb{P}_{\theta_2^\prime}}{d\mathbb{P}_{\theta_2}}(x_{2,s})d\mathbb{P}=\int_A\exp\{\sum_{s=1}^{n_2}\ln\frac{d\mathbb{P}_{\theta_2^\prime}}{d\mathbb{P}_{\theta_2}}(x_{2,s})d\mathbb{P}\}=\int_Ae^{-L_{n_2}}d\mathbb{P}\] \[\mathbb{P}^\prime(A)\geq{}e^{-C_n}\mathbb{P}(A)\]
Thompson Sampling ALG
Here we only consider Bernoulli Bandits with \(N=2\), because the overall analysis is really complex.
- \(X_1,X_2\in\{0,1\}\), \(\mu_1\geq\mu_2\)
- Initialize: for each \(i\), \(S_i=F_i=0\)
- Loop: \(t=1,2,\cdots,d_0\)
- For each \(i\), sample \(\theta_i(t)\sim{\rm Beta}(S_i+1,F_i+1)\)
- Play \(i(t)=\arg\max\theta_i(t)\), observe reward \(r_t\)
- If \(r_t=1\), \(S_{i(t)}+=1\), else \(F_{i(t)}+=1\)
In this \(2\) Bernoulli Bandits, TS achieves
\[\mathbb{E}\{R(T)\}=\mathcal{O}(\frac{\ln{}T}{\Delta}+\frac{1}{\Delta^3})\] where \(\Delta=\mu_\max-\mu_\min\)
- Denote \(j_0=*\) of plays of arm \(1\) until arm \(2\) is played \(L=24\ln{}T/\Delta^2\) times.
- Let \(t_j=\) time of the \(j^{\rm th}\) play of arm \(1\) (\(t_0=0\)). Also, let \(y_j=t_j-t_{j-1}-1\), i.e., the interval play time.
- Denote \(S(j)=*\) of success in the first \(j\) plays of arm \(1\)
- The expected \(*\) of play of arm \(2\): \[\mathbb{E}\{K_2(T)\}\leq{}L+\mathbb{E}\{\sum_{j=j_0}^{T-1}y_j\}\]
- Denote \(X(j,s,y)\) to be the \(*\) of attempts before we get a sample from \({\rm Beta}(s+1,j-s+1)\) to exceed \(y\)
It can be seen that \(X(j,s,y)\) is Geo with success probability \(1-F_{s+1,j-s+1}^{\rm beta}(y)\)
Lemma 1
For all non-negative \(j\) an d \(s\leq{}j\) and \(y\in[0,1]\) \[\mathbb{E}\{X(j,s,y)\}=\frac{1}{F_{j+1,y}^{\rm beta}(s)}-1\]
- Consider the \(*\) of steps before event \(\{\theta_1(t)>\mu_2+\Delta/2\}\) first happens
- Given \(S(j)\), this has the same distribution as \(X(j,S(j),\mu_2+\Delta/2)\)
- \(y_j\) can be larger than this \(*\) iff at some \(t\in(t_j,t_{j+1})\), \(\theta_2(t)>\mu_2+\Delta/2\)
- Thus: \[\mathbb{E}\{y_j\}\leq\mathbb{E}\{\min(X(j,S(j),\mu_2+\Delta/2),T)\}+\mathbb{E}\{\sum_{t=t_j+1}^{t_{j+1}-1}T\cdot{}I\{\theta_2>\mu_2+\Delta/2\}I\{j>j_0\}\}\]
Sum it up from \(j=j_0\) to \(T-1\) and define event:
Lemma 2
Lemma 3
Consider any \(y<\mu_1\), let \(\Delta^1=\mu_1y\), let \(R=\frac{\mu_1(1-y)}{y(1-\mu_1)}>1\) and \(D=D(y||\mu_1)=y\ln\frac{y}{\mu_1}+(1-y)\ln\frac{1-y}{1-\mu_1}\), we have:
\[\mathbb{E}\{\mathbb{E}\{\min(X(j,S(j),y),T)|S(j)\}\}\leq\frac{16}{T}\quad{\rm for }\quad{}j\geq\frac{4\ln{}T}{(\Delta^1)^2}\]
Substitute Lemma 2 and Lemma 3 into the sum-up result (which we omit) and the inequality \[\mathbb{E}\{K_2(T)\}\leq{}L+\mathbb{E}\{\sum_{j=j_0}^{T-1}y_j\}\] we have (skip lots lots of calculation): \[\mathbb{E}\{K_2(T)\}\leq{}\frac{40\ln{}T}{\Delta^2}+\frac{48}{\Delta^4}+18\] \[\mathbb{E}\{R(T)\}=\mathcal{O}(\frac{\ln{}T}{\Delta}+\frac{1}{\Delta^3})\]
Non Stochastic: ALG EXP3
- \(K\) actions
- \(X(i)=(X_i(1),X_i(2),\cdots),X_i(t)\in[0,1]\)
- ALG \(=i_1,i_2,\cdots,\)
- \(G_A(T)=\sum_{t=1}^TX_{i_t}(t)\)
- Regret \(=\max_j\sum_{t=1}^TX_j(t)-G_A(T)\)
- Parameter: Real \(\gamma\in[0,1]\)
- Initialize: \(w_i(1)=1,\forall{}i=1,2,\cdots,K\)
- Loop: for each \(t=1,2,\cdots\)
- Set \[P_i(t)=(1-\gamma)\frac{w_i(t)}{\sum{}w_i(t)}+\frac{\gamma}{K}\]
- Draw \(i_t\) randomly \(\sim{}P_1(t),\cdots,P_K(t)\)
- Get reward \(X_{i_t}\in[0,1]\)
- For \(j=1,2,\cdots,k\)
For any \(K\) and any \(\gamma\in[0,1]\),
\[G_{\max}-\mathbb{E}\{G_{\exp 3}\}\leq(e-1)\gamma{}G_{\max}+\frac{K\ln{}K}{\gamma}\]
for any reward assignments
Assume \(g\geq{}G_{\max}\) and \(\gamma=\min\{1,\sqrt{\frac{K\ln{}K}{(e-1)g}}\}\), then \[G_{\max}-\mathbb{E}\{G_{\exp 3}\}\leq2.63\sqrt{gK\ln{}K}\]